Veterans Resource Links Form 21-526 – Use this form to file for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability benefits.
VA Form 21-8940 – Use this form to file for a disability rating increase based on Individual Unemployability.
VA Form 21-4138 – Use this form to file a Notice of Disagreement with the VA Regional Office who either denied or underrated your claim.
VA Form 9 – Use this form to continue your appeal to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals.

Military Records Correction Boards:

Navy & Marine Corps
Air Force
Coast Guard

Mental Health Information:

Stronger at the Broken Places We study the history of war trauma to show that American veterans have always found ways to become not just strong, but stronger, at the broken places.

PTSD Fact Sheet

Department of Veterans Affairs – PTSD – The National Center for PTSD is dedicated to research and education on trauma and PTSD. We work to assure that the latest research findings help those exposed to trauma.
MST Fact Sheet

Department of Veterans Affairs – Mental Health

The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.

TBI Fact Sheet
Depression Fact Sheet
Mental Health Information
Polytrauma System of Care

Service Organizations:

Vietnam Veterans of America
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

The National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics (NCVAS) supports planning, analysis, and decision-making activities through the collection, validation, analysis, and dissemination of key statistics on Veteran population and VA programs

Military Rape Crisis Center
Disabled American Veterans
Veterans of Foreign Wars
The American Legion
Military Order of the Purple Heart
Paralyzed Veterans of America
American Ex-Prisoners of War
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans


National Working Positive Coalition is committed to improving the wellbeing of individuals living with HIV and AIDS through research and development of effective practices in employment services.

The National Organization of VeteransAdvocates, Inc. (NOVA) is a not-for-profit educational membership organization incorporated in the District of Columbia.

Alpha is a Veterans Disability Advocacy group employing VA-accredited advocateswho serve veterans in all 50 states.

LeadingAge Washington is a state trade association serving not-for-profit and mission-driven organizations dedicated to providing quality housing and skilled long term services. We support 35,000 of our state’s seniors and disabled individuals each day. Veteran to Veteran LLC – A Veteran Based Site to Guide veterans through the Veterans Affairs process for filing a claim for service connected disability compensation. We combine the Knowledge, Skills,and abilities of Veterans to provide other Veterans the Information and support they need dealing with the VA syste

The Patient Advocacy Program is for all veterans and their families who receive care at Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities

GulfLINK (Office of the Special Assistant for the Gulf War Illnesses)

Veteran Claims Researches WordPress

PVA – Paralyzed Veterans of America



  The American Legion
BVA – The Blinded Veterans Association
DAV – Disabled American Veterans

  Marine Corps League

The Retired Enlisted Association
VFW – Veterans of Foreign Wars


Department of VETERANS AFFAIRS Main Page
DVA Insurance Programs
DVA Veterans Benefits Administration Home Page
Department of EDUCATION Main Page
Department of HOUSING and URBAN DEVELOPMENT Veterans Page
Department of LABOR Main Page
Department of TRANSPORTATION Main Page (& links to Subordinate Agencies)


White House Welcome Page
White House Citizens Handbook of Benefits and Services
  Medicare Solutions


House of Representatives Main Page
House Committee on Veterans Affairs Page
Addresses and Home Pages for U.S. Congressional Representatives
Senate Main Page
Addresses (inc. e-Mail) for U.S. Senators


National ARCHIVES Main Page
National Personnel Records Center (Document Retrieval)
Military Records Request Form SF180
GPO – Government Printing Office Document Databases (full text)
SSA – Social Security Administration Main Page



Resources for Veterans in the USA
Help on Filing Taxes when you are still in the Military


Forensic Vocational Expert

SouthEast Vocational Experts  accesses the latest information available, utilized by government and private sectors, as well as physical and cognitive testing, to determine an individual’s employability, earnings capactiy, and capacity to compete in today’s job market. We investigate the labor market to identify Job Openings, Employment  Opportunities and Potential Earnings  within appropriate geographical areas. Vocational Evaluation

Vocational Expert Services for Veterans Disability


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Board of Veterans’ Appeals
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs
House Committee on Veterans Affairs
National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis
National Archives, Washington, D.C.
State VA Offices
BVA Decisions Search
Benefits Fact Sheets
VA Form Database
Accredited Attorney, Claims Agent, and Veterans Service Officer Database


Veterans TDIU