The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was implemented in 2015 and replaces the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). The purpose of WIOA is to better align the workforce system with education and economic development in an effort to create a collective response to economic and labor market challenges on the national, state and local levels.
WIOA requires coordination and alignment of key employment, education and training programs and builds on proven practices such as sector strategies, career pathways, regional economic approaches and work-based training.
What’s important about these evaluations with children that are from inner city schools or in the justice system is they often have Undiagnosed Mental Health Issues as well as Undiagnosed Learning Disabilities.
SouthEast, LLC specializes in Forensic Mental Health Evaluation as well as Neuro-Cognitive Evaluations and this is the corner stone for WIOA Transitional Vocational Evaluations.
Services under WIOA target disconnected youth who are subject to the juvenile or adult justice system; youth who are homeless, runaways, in foster care or aged out of such care, pregnant or parenting; or who have a disability. Youth who are out of school, low income and who are also basic skills deficient, English language learners, or who need additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or secure or hold employment are also eligible for services under WIOA.
Additional services under WIOA include assessments of students who are on an IEP and are of the age where vocational and transition assessments are required. SouthEast, LLC works with families and attorneys practicing education law to determine whether the vocational and transition objectives outlined in the student’s IEP are appropriate and, if not, make suitable academic, vocational and transition recommendations. CRC Services also works with school systems to complete the vocational and/or transition assessments, providing suitable recommendations to be outlined in the student’s IEP in preparation for post-secondary education or employment.
Team SouthEast is trained to work with community agencies such as America’s Job Centers, correctional facilities, and adult education programs to serve not only at risk youth, but also conduct vocational assessments of adults with and without disabilities under this Act to better prepare individuals for seeking employment in the local labor market.
SouthEast, LLC Services is committed to assisting at risk youth, students, and disabled and non-disabled adults by conducting thorough vocational and transition assessments. These assessments include a review of relevant academic and medical records, interview, administration, scoring and interpreting vocational testing, career exploration, and conducting labor market research in preparation for determining suitable academic, vocational and transitional plans