TDIU Total Disability Individual Unemployability TDIU

Often the VA doesn’t understand how medical and psychological limitations affect a Veterans Employability or Individual Unemployability.

The VA’s ALJ’s are often making TDIU decisions based on limited information because the Veterans limitations are not addressed in Vocational Terms and so the Judges are trying to figure out how X relates to Unemployability. In order to meet TDIU Requirements, you really need a Vocational Expert to do a TDIU Evaluation.

Forensic Vocational Expert has the clinical knowledge and expertise to bridge the gap between a person’s medical & psychological limitations and how they will affect the persons employability, so that the VA Adjudicator will be informed as to how the medical and psychological limitations affect a person’s employability. This is how a person can get 100% disability due to TDIU.

Total Disability Individual Unemployability(TDIU)

A veteran is entitled to a 100% TDIU disability rating if he can establish that his service-connected disabilities preclude him from obtaining/maintaining- substantial gainful employment, Individual Unemployment

VA adjudicator must consider a report documenting the Veteran’s un-employability from a Vocational Expert.

Vocationl Expert TDIU Evaluation

SouthEast Vocational Experts: Leaders in TDIU Veterans Disability, Forensic Mental Health & Vocational Evaluations. We provide a Comprehensive Evaluation that will give the veteran Objective Medical Signs and Symptoms as required by the Code of Federal Regulations.

TDIU Vocational Evaluation

A Social & industrial survey (Special Vocational Evaluation) done by a Vocational Expert can be used as valuable evidence to support a veteran’s TDIU Claim, and help get Faster Decisions.

Many times the VA uses a Social Worker to fill a basic form out, but a Social Worker isn’t an Expert in Medical & Psychological issues in disability nor are they an Expert in Vocational Issues.  This is why you need this performed by a Vocational Expert to fully document your TDIU issues.

Vocationl Expert TDIU Evaluation

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone Number

    Must have 70% service Connection for TDIU

    Services Seeking-TDIU-Evaluations are Private pay and range from $800 to $1,500


    Total Disability Individual Unemployability(TDIU) serviced in South east as well as TDIU Evaluations nationwide.

    TDIU Requirements